The whole year (almost) that I was 24, I thought I was 25. There was no explanation for that, just some fluke in my brain. So, when I did turn 25 (a kind of important first adult milestone), I was like...."Ehh...." No biggie. And then, when I turned 30, that kinda sort of really sucked. So, at 32, I re-did my 30th birthday, on my terms. And it was a great time. Now, at 33 and 11.5/12ths (ROCK that fraction, will you?), I am doing the 24 feels like 25 type thing again. In my head, I am already 35, which is basically like 36, and that's so close to 40, you might as well call it 40. Ridiculous? Most certainly.
I always have numbers running through my head. Nothing extravagant, no Algebra or (God forbid) Trigonometry....but just numbers. Years people were born, old phone numbers or street addresses, even zip codes. When I am in whatever "zone" I might be in, I do math problems. I don't think about it or plan it, they just come out. (All of a sudden, I'm wondering if this is TOO weird or a sign of some deep, dark psychotic problem?? Ehhh...). The point (I think), is that as my birthday approaches, so do some other significant things in my life, more hard things, challenges, in the form of court dates, legal fees, budget issues, numbers numbers NUMBERS. And, while on one hand, I feel my clock ticking (not my have-a-baby-biological clock, just my regular age type clock), I don't want to jump ahead. I don't want to get so focused on the court dates and number of years invested in a marriage that didn't last and so on. God and I have done business on those issues, and I am quite sure we will continue to do business on them as often as needed. So, before my big 3-4 birthday comes Thanksgiving. And all this introduction blah-blah was just to say, I am thankful. For much. SO SO much. And here are just 33 of those things:
1. My parents. They raised me right and know more than I've ever given them credit for (but this COUNTS!).
2. My grandparents. They raised my parents right (ha!), and have given their families a legacy of faith and grace worth more than millions.
3. My siblings. God put us all together for a reason. I don't get to see them as much as I'd like, but I love them all.
4. My siblings' spouses. I am thankful for these 3 people who have loved my brothers and sister deeply, and who have made our family much better and richer (and more interesting...hahaha).
5. My church. I've said it before, but it can't be said too much. I have been blessed. These people, they care and they love and they give, without hesitation.
6. The leadership at my church. My pastors have, in my personal situation, encouraged, lifted up in prayer, challenged me and always always pointed me towards God.
7. My extended family, aunts and uncles and cousins. I know that I am loved, appreciated, and valued, and that knowledge helps my heart.
8. My van. It may be ugly and on (possibly) one of its last legs, but it represents the generosity of my parents and the freedom from a car payment.
9. My long-time spiritual mentor-type person. Knowing I can always be honest with her, and that she won't hesitate to ask me the tough questions or share in my joys too, rocks!
10. My school friends. I haven't talked much about not getting to finish my degree (again), but the year that I spent with some crazy people at Evangel was one of the highlights of the past decade.
11. Music. I'm no singer or musician, but I love good music. Especially praise and worship music that I can crank up and sing to when I am (preferably) by myself.
12. Books. I love to read. Enough said.
13. My Bible. Would not trade it for ANYTHING. In the world. Couldn't live without it.
14. My mental health. My counselor said, "So...what now? Want to just call me and check-in in a month or so, if you think you need it? Because I really don't know how much better you could be." HA! Praise God for guarding my heart, soul, mind, and mental stability--no joke.
15. The Y. Exercise doesn't (always) suck. Who knew?
16. Flip-flops.
17. Sarcasm. know what? I ran out of things. Not because I don't have a thankful heart...but because I didn't want the last 1/2 of my list to include things like "peanut butter" or "Redbox movies." Or maybe I'll just save those two items and continue tomorrow...?