Saturday, January 16, 2010

The underwear didn't work

10 Reasons I bought a treadmill online from Wal-Mart without even trying it out first:

10. I have way too many things recorded on my DVR.
9. I had not made a New Year's resolution yet and I really wanted to go with something unique.
8. I am too lazy to join the Y. If there's no good parking I'll just drive home, and maybe stop at Taco Bell for a bean burrito on the way. (I have NO shame!)
7. It should embarrass me more to tell people that I'm "eating for two" and then point to my pregnant sister-in-law's belly.
6. I should not be able to keep pace with her 2nd trimester snacking schedule, but I do.
5. It's a walking treadmill that's motor doesn't even go above 4 it's not like there's any danger of me accidentally breaking into a slow jog.
4. I can't afford the $700 "treadmill desk" and I'm not sure my boss would let me walk while I work...seems I have a reputation for being a bit clumsy.
3. I am hoping this return to the only proven exercise I've ever enjoyed will lead to other exciting and glorious health accomplishments.
2. I look forward to seeing what fun Murphy will have when I take him for nice, long, "walks."
1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: You can only buy new underwear so many times before you have to make some BIG CHANGES.
So, there you have it. Today I will post a picture of the Geriatric Walk-Mill 2000. When it arrives I will post my before picture. Oh dear me. Maybe I should just post a picture of the before underwear? Not me IN the underwear, mind you. . . wait--I just remembered that MY GRANNY reads this blog. Picture of me, fully clothed, sucking it in, to follow.


  1. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me? Letterman's people are gonna be calling you. You should be writing for late night!!!

  2. AS much as i love this post, i'm still wanting an update. wondering how you are, ms. carrie??


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