Sunday, January 4, 2009

What I missed out on today

Today, all of my side of the family is meeting for our "Christmas." We generally do ours on New Year's Day or the first Saturday after...whatever works. This year we did the first Sunday after, due to work schedules. We're a pretty laid-back and flexible family. I didn't get to go because I've been struggling with some minor but very annoying illness issues. I could have gone, I could have driven the 2 hours there, 2 hours back, and spent the day with various siblings, cousins, aunts and uncle, and grandparents. I weighed the issue and once I decided not to go and that hour of no return passed...I regretted it. Even though I know that it would have sapped me of the energy I've been "working" all weekend to save...I know that I have missed out on something.

Not on gifts. I have long exceeded the age limit for gift buying at this event (sniff sniff). And though I'm sure the food was good...I am not missing that. Even the fun and chaos of a gathering...I am ok with that. What I missed out on was the chance to be in the presence of the two people pictured above. That's Grandad and Granny, to you (well, to me anyway). In the pictures they are holding my nephew Lane, born a few weeks ago in December (to my brother Mark and his wife Kristin). My grandparents love ALL their kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. No doubt about it. But Lane, in his brand new life, has already filled a spot in their hearts. He is named after my uncle, Layne, who lost a brave, brave battle with cancer 21 years ago this December. And by sharing his name, Lane is both a tribute to a beloved uncle, and an honor to his parents, the son they still grieve is not forgotten. This little Lane even has a reddish tint to his hair, like his great uncle did. And this little one, like the rest of us, will benefit from the heritage of growing up under these grandparents.

That's what I'm missing most today (man can I get off track, or what??). Whenever I am around them, for an official celebration or just a quick minute...I always leave with a little bit of encouragement. Granny has long been president of my fan club. She sends me encouraging emails or letters (back in the day), she asks me the hard questions, she tells me what she thinks, and most of all--she reminds me that they are both praying for me daily. DAILY. Grandad is the detail manager. Is my car running ok? How's work? What class am I taking now? Here, let me fix your computer. They've been married for well over 50 years. They will never be rich (in money) and they won't leave any of us with an earthly inheritance. But they have set the example, the standard, of how to live out your faith in everyday life. And they have given us a heritage that can not be bought for all the money in...wherever. And today I miss seeing them.

P.S. After getting my computer "cleaned up" my screen saver now mysteriously says "Granny and Ole Grandad love you!!!" :)

1 comment:

  1. There is truly a little tear in my eye. I really hope you stick to this blog. I'm enjoying it mucho!!


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