Sunday, May 30, 2010

If you had asked me

If you had asked me, 2 years and 10 months ago, where I'd be today, you might have received a variety of answers. As far away from here as possible (my situation, my location, my grief, any or all of these "here's" ). Over it. Healed and moved on. Ready for a new relationship or something. Actually, I doubt I would have said that, because in the midst of my marriage crashing down around me, healing and new possibilities were beyond my comprehension. The point is, if you had asked me any sort of question that contained the possibility of my marriage still being INTACT, I would have looked at you in dumbstruck silence.
Our ways are not God's ways. What seems unreachable or un-doable or just plain too hard and unreasonable for even a Christian to attempt, God can and will do. The thing is, as much as I'd like to be one of those Christians that goes marching into battle, boldly putting on the armor of God and singing hymns loudly as I go--that is not me. I did not get up every day and praise God for his presence and peace. I did not sing "Swing low, sweet chariot" with a bittersweet confidence in God's healing and redemptive powers. The fact is, that God had to use all his tricks to get me to this point.
He broke this journey down in to bite-sized pieces. He made sure there were a lot of rest stops along the way. He surrounded me with all the right people at just the right times. He looked at my shell-shocked self and started out slowly. Really, really, REALLY slowly. He protected me when I needed protection, he challenged me when I needed challenging. He didn't force me to stay on this path, he didn't stop leading me when I strayed off of this path. Three years ago, when my world was falling apart, God was ready to start putting it back together, piece by tiny piece. And he has continued to give me Peace by tiny Peace. And here we stand, this week. My husband is home. We are going about the business of setting up his life again, determining the rules and boundaries, taking the risks, sharing tears and laughter and prayers. I thought the past three years were the journey, but they were only the preparation. God has spent this time bringing me to the starting line and now I must run the race. I know there will be more pain before the healing is complete. I know there is risk of failure. I know there are rocks and hills and narrow paths ahead. I know that Satan wants my marriage (and all marriages) to fail, because marriage is a reflection of God and his relationship with the church. I know that I am helpless to do anything but seek God and bind Satan, to desire my marriage be an honor to God, to give up myself and my selfishness so God can be more.
If you had asked me, even 6 or 9 months ago, if I would be EXCITED about just now starting this journey, I would have said no. I wasn't yet excited, but I was willing and I wanted to be obedient, even though I did NOT feel like it. So, here we are, 5 days in, already seeking God more than I could have imagined. It's a good thing that these decisions and outcomes were not based on the answers you'd have received, if you'd have asked me.


  1. Carrie- That was very well said! I appreciate your sharing what God has done in you and your marriage. It's a pretty amazing feeling when God demonstrates his love for us by steering us towards what He wants us to do. I scared to death at the possibility of God asking me to reconcile with Tim, but when it was time to do that God made it ok in a way I never dreamed possible.
    That doesn't mean every minute since has been perfect, but I have a new understanding of how God views marriage and I'm willing to trust that He will see us through.

    Thanks for being an encouragement to me!
    Hannah S.

  2. Awesome post Carrie. I love how you have described the journey. A real encouragement to me.


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