Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thinking and thinking and...yep, thinking.

During this long and sporadic break from writing...I have also been thinking. What is this blog about? Me, me, me?? Or something more significant? If you had asked me, back when I started writing, what it was about...I would have probably said something along the lines of where God was taking me, what he had been teaching me about forgiveness, marriage, faith, and also some cooking and family thrown in. I'm not sure I have reached that goal, but I am not ready to throw in the towel, either.
One of the coolest things I've seen happen is other women in my life have started blogs. I was reading my sister-in-law's blog, talking about what she's been learning about respecting her husband and Biblical womanhood...and I followed her blog over to a site that I have now marked as a favorite. In the first few seconds, I not only saw what Kristin had referred to for her marriage, but I saw an article that seemed to be written just for me and my marriage (and our struggles). And now, two hours later....I am sharing with you one of the cool things I saw on the site there. If you go to Kristin's blog above, she will direct you to a website. And on that site they are asking for bloggers to sign up by June 1, to receive a copy of a book on biblical womanhood. Then, you just write a review on each of the 9 chapters on your blog between June 1 and September 1. Kind of cool, huh?
Anyway, as I have spent the last 8 (I was almost going to say 6, where did the time go??) months getting settled in Kansas, I have thought about this blog. What purpose does it serve? Is it just a silly hobby, or will I truly allow it to reflect my voice and what God is doing in my life? I am voting for the second choice. I do want to reflect honestly and openly the greatness of God in my life. I can not describe the peace I have had here. As much as I love Missouri and my family and friends there, Kansas has been ripe with opportunities already. I will share more on this in the future, but for now, just know that I am where God wants me.
And as for Jimmy, that story continues as well. I have struggled to accurately express how or why I could still be here, waiting. But, to borrow from an article on the website I was just talking about: A man has been unfaithful and separates from his wife. He comes to town for his daughter's graduation. The daughter tells her dad that she's so glad he's there, that she knows her parents' marriage will be healed and restored. The dad says "It's not possible, I have killed this marriage and your mom and I don't feel anything for each other anymore." She responds by saying, "But your raised me in a Christian home, and we believe in a God who raises the dead. This marriage is nothing to him, he can do it."
And that sums it up for me. My blog is about my life. My life has been a lesson (usually accomplished in the most stubbornly resistant and difficult way possible) in learning what it means to truly have faith. Also, it's definitely an incomplete lesson, but I'll keep you posted as I go. (get it, POSTED?? oh yeah....the humor is definitely high class...)

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