Thursday, October 14, 2010

Consumer Alert

Thank you for your encouragement and comments. And lest you think that my spirit is completely down (it has its moments), here's the most important topic on my mind today:
Suave deodorant is not worth the savings. Usually, I am a fool for frugal (except where sushi is involved). Suave shampoo, I can use that until the 'fro gets too out of control. Aim toothpaste? I can push past the overwhelming thought that it is eating the enamel right of my teeth, if in a pinch. Sandpaper toilet paper? I actually PREFER that too the way too soft Kleenex brand. OK, so you can see, I am a willing participant in the "Cheaper is Better" experiment. But not where my pits are concerned. Back to the super expensive Dove brand it is.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...good to know your pits will remain happy! I'm picky about the smell! I've used the same kind since Jr. High, I I don't know what I'll do if they ever discontinue it! Secret Spring Breeze it is! But I did buy some Suave shampoo last week...learning about that budget thing, yo.


Your thoughts are appreciated!