Friday, March 27, 2009

Frugal Friday

I don't know about you, but I have not been couponing too much lately. First of all, I had about 20 boxes of cereal to go through! My niece now thinks that any time I see her, I should be bearing gifts of fruity cheerios and cocoa puffs. I haven't been planning lists or thinking before I grocery shop, either. But I also have not shopped a whole lot.
I did make a quick run to Walmart tonight. I had no plan, other than needing milk. I have decided to go ahead and move (may write more on that later) and found a place today. So my goal is to not buy any more groceries between now and then (May 1st), save a few bananas or loaf of bread. My goal is to use what I have in my cabinets and eat lots of sandwiches too.
As I was walking through the cheese and lunch meat area tonight, I saw one of those BIG HONKIN' HAMS. The kind you can take up to the deli counter and have them slice (as long as you're prepared for the heavy sigh and glaring look from the guy who has to manually slice 5 lbs of ham), then take home and bag in normal sized portions and freeze. The thought occurred to me, where did I first see that frugal habit? From my parents, of course! I remember my mom doing the same thing when we were kids, and helping her put away groceries and divide the ham when we got home. I also saw my parents participate in a food co-op, make use of produce given to us out of church friends' gardens, shop sales, and cook mostly from homemade. Not that I cared back then, I just wondered why our "Doritos" were such a weird, scary, dark dark shade of orange. But now, even though I am not feeding a family of 7 (thank you Lord!), I still use those habits, along with the new ones I've picked up along the way.
What frugal habits did your parents use that you also use with your family? What new things do you do? Do you find yourself (in these economic times blah blah blah) making more homemade things than prepackaged, boxed, or take-out? Do your kids or spouses notice?
Eventually, I will actually start writing entries on my cooking blog. I'm kind of waiting for the Farmer's Market to start up, because that is one of my favorite things to cook from. And this year, more than ever, I will be trying creative ways to cook what's in season. Turnips, anyone??

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