Thursday, April 23, 2009

13 for Thursday

I saw this idea on another blog. . . and frankly I need some help being more regular. Consider this the bloggy version of Fiber all. And we will see if I make it all the way through the alphabet. Happy Thursday!

Thirteen for the letter "A'

1. Archery- I did not master this in junior high gym class. In fact, I may still have some wayward arrows near the ceiling of that building.
2. Avocados- I used to hate these. Now I don't. I love to experiment with different types of guacamole.
3. Angels- I believe in them. Not IN them, but that they are real. Bible says so.
4. Ambidextrous- Slightly. I'm a left-handed forced to be right-handed for scissors, can opening and various other afflictions.
5. Angel food cake- with strawberries. In the summer.
6. Abercrombie & Fitch (see how I got to this from "in the the summer" above? No??)- Don't wear it. Highly controversial. We did decorate our dorm room with the "soccer men" bags of 1997.
7. Apathy- sometimes I feel this. Usually after too many oreos.
8. Apples- sometimes I love them. Sometimes I don't.
9. Ambrosia- technically, I don't know if I've ever had this. But in my mind I hate it because I have placed it in the same category as meringue.
10. Aggie's- I come from a long line of them. Gig em'.
11. Attitude- me? No!
12. Adventure's In Babysitting- great movie!
13. Alicia- my baby brat sister who makes me laugh A.lot.

Tune in next week for even more Big Bad B...b...oh this was a great idea...

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