Thursday, February 12, 2009

Signs of the times...and the first Frugal Friday

I thought I might start a "Frugal Friday" routine. To help get in the habit of blogging more regularly. Frugal seems to be in right now, during These Hard Economic Times. And since it is not likely that any of my near and dear will directly benefit from the Bail Out, I will do my part to share the frugal tips, tricks, and practices I have come across.
What are my qualifications, you ask? Well, not only did I grow up in a large family, I have been a college student, worked for non-profit companies most of my adult life, and have basically been just like any other average American. There you go, it's not like I'm performing brain surgery or revamping your financial life-plan.
So, for our very first Frugal Friday together I will simply make a Deep and Philosophical observation about how I can measure the economic times in my own life.
First, I am not a "high maintenance" girl. I don't own a flat iron, I've had the same three bottles of nail polish for about 4 years, and my idea of great clothes shopping is to find a shirt I like and buy it (on sale) in several colors. However, I am still a girl. And one thing I do DO is get my eyebrows waxed. I started doing this in high school and have experienced waxing in various price ranges. I've been to the fancier salon. I've been to the Wal-Mart Hack Em' Up salon. I've been to the Missouri College of Cosmetology. Wax is wax. Ripping hair out by the roots is ripping hair out by the roots. So, 9 times out of 10, I go to MoCo of Cosm. (I made that abbreviation up myself). It's 5 bucks. The students there are so intent and learning their craft and living their dream that they do a great job.
However, when things get busy or the budget gets tight, I tend to postpone the trip "for another week." It rarely rises to urgent status on my priority list because I always know I'll get to it when I get to it. Except lately. Between These Economic Times, and some annoying health issues, I have been home bound more than normal. Not in an elderly bring me a meal kind of way, but still. And because of that, I've missed some days at work. Which means I've missed some of my dollar friends on my paycheck. See where I'm going with this? So putting it off and putting it off has compounded to the point where I FEEL like I have one great big grandaddy long brow. I know this is not entirely so (and aren't you grateful I'm posting ZERO pictures on this post??), and I know if I got really desperate, I could tweeze (TORTURE). But I haven't, so I won't.
I think I had a point somewhere here, other than revealing embarrassing hygiene information about myself. . . oh yes. When times get tight, we cut out the extra stuff. I'm also rationing my Diet Pepsi to last me through the next pay day, but that's another exciting discussion.
What do you cut back on first when the budget crunch comes? What one thing do you HAVE to have, that is the last to go? I want to know!
Meanwhile, if you see me around in the next week or so, try not to stare at my eyebrow.
Have a Frugal Friday,
Grandaddy Long Brow


  1. Funny post...I'm diggin' the Frugal Friday Column. When dollars are short I cut out out...what DO I cut out??
    Two more things--I'm am soooo glad you did not show pics and I am extremely fortunate that my brows are bright blonde.

  2. Wow, yet another thing that I did not know about you...and I'll try not to stare. When we're cutting back, the first thing to go is eating out. And I hate that.


Your thoughts are appreciated!