Saturday, April 2, 2011

Signs of Spring

Not to be too dramatic...or metaphorical...but after the longest, coldest, darkest winter of my life, just when I thought it would never happen...FINALLY, signs of spring. In no particular order, these are some of the things I've taken great joy in over the past few days or week:

  • Farmer's was the first day, and it was scant....but it was open and I went!

  • The best people I've ever worked with....things have really changed there, and after some layoffs and last days, we all met to celebrate our friendship (and watch Karina karaoke).

  • Cooking. Not just making dinner....but finding a couple of good finds at the Farmer's Market, (today it was mushrooms and homemade English muffins), thinking about those ingredients and then putting together a "project" with that. (Maybe I'll even post this later?)

  • My house looks beautiful. It's not my house any more, but after it burnt almost completely down last year, I never thought I'd see it restored to better than I could have ever imagined it. There is a small, small chance that I could rent it in the near future, but I'm not sure that's the right plan for me. It is good just knowing that it's been restored and is reaching its full house potential.

  • Family...I've been spending a lot of time with family. Not in the big event, make plans, travel and holiday stress type time...the time you can spend because you are now convenient, and more casual and low-key non-events can happen. Birthdays, random lunches, hanging out. It is good.

There are more signs...and even just feeling like writing again is a is good to be more myself again. That is maybe the most understated, simplified phrase I've ever written...but it works.

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