Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thirteen for Thursday

I think I did last week's on Tuesday, thought I was doing it on Wednesday, and realized I had the wrong day about Sunday night or so. What can I say, I don't live by the constraints of a calendar.

Thirteen for "C"

1. Carol. My Granny who I am named after. Whom. Who. Whatever.
2. Curly Hair. I say curly when we all know I mean frizzy, but I can dream.
3. Crap. I say this word a lot. Just keeping it real.
4. Cauliflower. As long as it's not cooked.
5. Communications. My currently in-progress degree (less than a year left!).
6. Cooking. I enjoy thinking about ingredients and creating recipes.
7. Chicago. I love this town. I have been several times and would love to see more.
8. Cats. Allergic. And I don't like them.
9. Colors. Need them. Bright and Bold. No tan or taupe for me.
10. Candy. Especially rootbeer barrels or Brach's Butterscotch.
11. Cook books. I collect them. Old or new, as long as they're interesting.
12. Creative. I like opportunites to do this. Be this. To create.
13. CATO. Good store. Great prices.

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