Friday, May 29, 2009

What's in your purse?

The other night, in my communications class, we had to bring some items that represented "us." Kind of a collegiate-level show and tell. Our cohort is small, about 12 people, and it was interesting to me that two women included their pocket (purse-sized) dictionaries. One woman explained that she kept hers in her purse so she could refer to it to make sure she was using a word correctly as needed. The other woman explained that she kept hers in her purse so she could prove to other people (namely, her family) that they were using words incorrectly. I didn't think much about it at the time, other than a quick prayer of thanksgiving that I wasn't in the social circle of the woman who used her dictionary to correct others. Today I was thinking about the oddity of putting entire books in your purse. I am, in theory, a minimalist when it comes to purse packing. I thought to myself, if I was going to carry any book in my purse, it would probably be my Bible. The big question is, would I whip it out to check myself? Or would I use it to prove to someone else all the ways that they were wrong?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thirteen for Thursday


1. Dog. Murphy. Fabulous.
2. Deliverance. Very creepy movie. Catchy soundtrack though.
3. Delirious. How tired I am right now.
4. Disaster. My hair, 8th grade year.
5. Dynamite. It's a sushi roll. It's. . . well. . . dynamite.
6. Delilah. The shmushy mushy radio lady, she makes my skin crawl.
7. Diet Pepsi. I'll take a central line, please.
8. Dove. Sensitive skin. Fabulous.
9. Difference. I'd like to make one.
10. Dainty. I'm not.
11. David. He's my brother-in-law. Very nice guy.
12. Dodge Neon. My favorite car, ever.
13. Dress. Last time I wore one was for my wedding.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thirteen for Thursday

I think I did last week's on Tuesday, thought I was doing it on Wednesday, and realized I had the wrong day about Sunday night or so. What can I say, I don't live by the constraints of a calendar.

Thirteen for "C"

1. Carol. My Granny who I am named after. Whom. Who. Whatever.
2. Curly Hair. I say curly when we all know I mean frizzy, but I can dream.
3. Crap. I say this word a lot. Just keeping it real.
4. Cauliflower. As long as it's not cooked.
5. Communications. My currently in-progress degree (less than a year left!).
6. Cooking. I enjoy thinking about ingredients and creating recipes.
7. Chicago. I love this town. I have been several times and would love to see more.
8. Cats. Allergic. And I don't like them.
9. Colors. Need them. Bright and Bold. No tan or taupe for me.
10. Candy. Especially rootbeer barrels or Brach's Butterscotch.
11. Cook books. I collect them. Old or new, as long as they're interesting.
12. Creative. I like opportunites to do this. Be this. To create.
13. CATO. Good store. Great prices.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Niece

I have many nieces and several nephews. One niece, Laura, is 3. She has been scared of Murphy for a while now. Yesterday, she came over and we took him for a walk. She did very well. We talked about praying when we're scared. So every time he looked at her, moved in her direction, sniffed or sneezed. . . she would stop and pray "Dear Jesus, thank you for helping me not be scared of Murphy" in her very cute 3 year old voice. Of course, this made our walk take much longer, but Murphy and I didn't mind.
She also asked me "Aunt Carrie, why does Murphy not have to wipe?" I had just responded with a half-amused "Because he just doesn't" when she came up with the answer on her own, "Is it because him's bottom is so tiny?"
I do so enjoy being involved in the development of a child. Dog therapy, spiritual training, and biology all in one walk. Happy Mother's Day to all my nieces and nephews Mama's! You all rock, and I am so glad you share your kiddos with me.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

13 for Thursday

13 for the letter "B"

1. Boring=only blogging on 13 for Thursday, and even then only once every 29 weeks.
2. Biscuits, preferably with my Granny's homemade plum jelly.
3. Bilingual. A goal of mine. Spanish.
4. Big cities. Chicago. New York. Kansas City. I love them.
5. Band Nerd. Flute. WHAT?!
6. Black shirts. I have at least 9.
7. Babies. Maybe. Maybe not.
8. Biology. Loved it. Except for pictures of cell division.
9. Baseball. Best watched live.
10. Books. Love them. Cookbooks. Mysteries. Fiction. Classics. Love love love them.
11. Bagels. With cream cheese. Or a sandwich. Or peanut butter and bananas.
12. Bachelor's degree. April 2010. Be there.
13. Big move. Which is partly to blame for where I've been. Lazy doesn't start with a "B" though.